New Chapter Primary School’s agreed admission number is 30 in EYFS, Years 1, 2, 3 and 6 and 50 for years 4 and 5.

New Chapter is an academy and therefore manages all in year and new admissions for Years 1 – 6.  A copy of our application form and new starter pack is located on the left hand side.

EYFS (September admissions) and Yr 7 transfers to secondary school are organised by the Local Authority’s Admission team.

New Chapter’s catchment area

The area that the school serves is Coffee Hall, Leadenhall and Beanhill.

Children who have an Educational Healthcare Plan or statement of Special Educational Needs that names New Chapter Primary School will be allocated a place in accordance with national regulations.
In the event that there are more applications received than there are places available the following criteria will be used to allocate places:

  1. ‘Looked After’ children or children who were previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence, or special guardianship order.
  2. Children living within the defined area who will have a sibling still in attendance at New Chapter Primary School at the time of admission.
  3. Children of staff employed by the Milton Keynes Education Trust
  4. Children who live in New Chapter Primary School’s defined area.
  5. Children living outside the defined area with a sibling still in attendance at the time of admission.
  6. Children living outside the defined area.

Parents should note that for Milton Keynes’ Schools there is no automatic right to a place at your local school.

It is essential that EYFS and Year 7 Secondary School application forms are completed and returned to the Local Authority by the published deadline date. If you make an application for a school which is not your local school and subsequently are not allocated a place, there is no guarantee that a place will be available for your child at the local school.
For general information on admissions within the Milton Keynes Local Authority area, this document should be read in conjunction with the Milton Keynes Council publication “Admission to Primary Schools in Milton Keynes: Information for Parents”.


Appeals Timetables

Appeal Against Admission Decision Form
Guide For Parents - Appeals Booklet

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